Installation Of SQLite Browser In Ubuntu 20.04

Tooba Malaika
4 min readNov 5, 2021
SQL-Lite Browser

What is SQ-Lite Browser ?

SQLite is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that is contained in a C library. As opposed to most other DB management system SQLite is certainly not a client-server DB mechanism yet is installed into the end program. DB Browser for SQLite (DB4S) is a high quality, visual, open-source tool made for creating, designing, and editing database files that are compatible with SQLite. It is for users and developers who want to create, search, design and edit databases. SQLite browser uses a general spreadsheet-like interface, and there is no need to learn complicated SQL commands.

  • Reading and writing from an SQLite database is faster than reading and writing files directly from disk.
  • The application loads only the data it needs, rather than reading the entire file and holding a complete parse in memory.
  • Making small edits overwrite only the parts of the file that change, reducing write time and wear on SSD drives.
  • There is no application file I/O code to write and debug.
  • Content can be accessed and updated using concise SQL queries instead of lengthy procedural routines.
  • Sql queries are many times smaller than the equivalent procedural codes, and hence the number of bugs per line of code is roughly constant which means fewer bugs overall.

Controls And Wizards

  • Create and compact database files.
  • Create, define, modify and delete tables
  • Create, define and delete indexes
  • Browse, edit, add, search and delete records
  • Import and export records as text
  • Import and export tables from/to CSV files
  • Issue SQL queries and inspect the results
  • Examine log of all the SQL commands issued by the application

Update Cache Repositories

You can access the terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + t or by using the Application Launcher. After opening the terminal, update the cache apt repository by executing the command. sudo apt-get update

Now, update the repositories by using sudo apt-get upgrade

Search SQ-Lite Packages

You can search for all available SQLite packages in the apt repository using command. sudo apt-cache search sqlite

Install SQ-Lite 3

Next, install SQLite 3 using the following command. sudo apt-get install sqlite3

To verify the installationof SQLite 3, run the following command. sqlite3 --version

Install SQ-Lite Browser

You can access the terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + t or by using the Application Launcher. After opening the terminal, update the cache apt repository by executing the command. sudo apt-get update

Now, update the repositories by using sudo apt-get upgrade

Next, install SQLite Browser using the following command. sudo apt-get install sqlitebrowser

During the installation of the SQLite browser, you will be prompted as to whether you would like to continue installing or if you want to quit. Press ‘y’ and hit Enter to complete the installation of the SQLite browser onto your system.

To verify the installationof SQLite Browser check your apps.

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